The Munich office of the agency group thjnk was able to convince Bayerischer Rundfunk in two Europe-wide tenders.
On the one hand, thjnk will be responsible for BR24's communications in the future. The goal of the collaboration: to bring the BR24 brand, in which all BR news offerings are bundled, to life emotionally across all target groups and channels.
Thomas Canzar, Managing Director of thjnk Munich: "In a world where news is increasingly polarizing and dividing the public, it is all the more important that the BR24 offering exists. This is about thoroughly researched information, made available to everyone so they can form their own opinions."
BR24 - HERE IS BAVARIA: Since 2021, the various current information offerings of Bayerischer Rundfunk have been bundled under the cross-media brand BR24. As a result, BR24 is available to users on various distribution channels: as an app, on the web, TV and radio, and on all relevant social media channels. BR24 provides up-to-date information about Bavaria, Germany and the world - from the Bavarian perspective, anchored in the regions.
On the other hand, the Munich-based thjnk team led by Hans-Peter Sporer and Thomas Canzar won a multi-stage pitch for BAYERN 1, the undisputed market leader in the Bavarian radio market. Task: the development of an image campaign that lets people literally experience that BAYERN 1 is the number one for the positive attitude to life in Bavaria. The first results of the collaboration will be seen in fall 2023.
Hans-Peter Sporer, Managing Director thjnk Munich: "What appealed to us directly about the brand and the specific task is BAYERN 1's omnipresent positive basic attitude - the firm resolve to approach life positively, from the perspective of the glass half full."
BAYERN 1 - GEHÖRT INS LEBEN: With around 3 million listeners daily, BAYERN 1 is the most listened-to radio program in Bavaria.